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You can’t!

Run run as fast as you!! So first of all- why does our society continually create these unattainable expectations?! And why do we continue to let them?!

I’m trying. To all of you who know me- I promise you I am trying!! But some days (cough, cough, today!) I just can’t keep up.

I wake up early. I rush to get dressed. I try to stay calm as we get our kids dressed and fed and out the door. I (safely and always within the speed limit 😬😳) get my kids to school and through the drop off line. Then rush to work, where I run as fast as I can, and rush rush rush to whatever evening activity. It’s all a blur. It’s all a rush. And it’s never done. There’s always another fire waiting to be put out.

So today was nothing extraordinary. Just another rushed, hectic day. I planned. I prepped. I worked hard. I didn’t lolligag. I even drank my extra coffee. But yet again, here I am. Exhausted, frustrated, stressed, already worrying about all the things tomorrow will bring. I know I know- don’t worry about tomorrow. I know I know.

As I’m trying to wind down, I’m brushing my teeth, and I’m thinking through everything, asking myself- how will I ever get it all done?

And I hear it- “YOU won’t. YOU can’t”

So it hits me- I won’t ever be able to catch up. I won’t ever be able to do it all. I CANT.

BUT GOD 🙌 Is this why my days are so crazy?! God is trying to teach me- I can’t. I literally cannot do it all. In fact, not only can I not do it all, I can do nothing without Him.

For now- I’m going to bed. Tomorrow will come, God willing, and all of the troubles that belong to tomorrow will be there waiting on me. But thankfully, I’m not going into those fires alone. God is and always has, had my back.

Good night my friends. Get some rest and we’ll do it all again tomorrow-

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

~Matthew 6:34