UGH, just ugh, that is all- UGH!!

Does your day ever blow up? Like big time, blow up? Papers get lost, files get deleted, internet crashes- those days when you don’t know if you want to scream or cry.

We’ve all been there and it stinks.

But you know what doesn’t stink?! That even on THOSE days, even on the days that you just can’t- God is there and He has a purpose for you and for that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. So next time you have THAT day- take a minute, take a deep breath, and talk to our Heavenly Father. He’s there, He knows the day you’re having, and He, more than anyone else, can help calm your nerves and give you the clarity and knowledge to turn that day around. Use that stinky day to bring glory to our all-knowing, all-fixing, ever-loving God.


Life is Hard

