
Around week 18, you get to go in for the official anatomy ultrasound! But if you’re like me and want to know about the gender earlier than 18 weeks there are other options! 

With our 1st two pregnancies we opted to do the early genetic screening at the doctor’s office.  This was the neatest thing- the lab at our doctor’s office drew a vial of blood, sent it off to some testing center, and then they were able to tell us not only the baby’s gender at 10 weeks, but also check the baby’s genetics for any potential genetic problems! Unfortunately, somewhere between our 2nd and 3rd baby, insurance changed and this test went from being free to being over $1,000 so we opted to not do it during our 3rd pregnancy.  

HOWEVER, don’t worry- remember I said there were other optionS- as in plural, not just one option.  You can also do an at home test- this test doesn’t necessarily test for early genetic conditions but it can at least check the genetics for gender.  We went with SneakPeek, and I would highly recommend it! 

SneakPeek is a simple at home blood test, and the best thing- it can be done as early as 6 weeks!!

To order simply click here!

Within a few days, a box will arrive at your home.  The contents inside the box look at little intimidating but if I can figure it out- I’m sure you can too! 

The kit comes with a pretty extensive instruction sheet so I would read all the way through that FIRST! Then read back over it as you actually follow the steps.  My biggest takeaway is that I wish I would have had my mom or a friend over to help me- it is very clear about not having any males in the room or near you while you’re performing the test and an extra set of FEMALE hands would’ve been super helpful for a couple of the steps.  

It did take a little bit longer than I expected it to, just because I read and re-read the instructions SEVERAL times! The worst part of it was the anticipation because I was scare it would hurt, spoiler alert- IT DIDN’T! After all was said and done, it did leave a little red circle on my arm where it pierced my skin slightly, but honestly I think it was significantly less painful and left a smaller spot than having my blood drawn at the doctors’ office. Once you complete the steps and seal up your test sample, it’s ready to send back.  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!! Then within a few days you will receive an email with the test results.  

Opening the email will tell you the gender of your precious gift from God- so you may want to wait until your partner is with you.  It does give you a warning before the virtual envelope opens and the colored confetti shoots across your screen so there is at least a little bit of a safety net that you don’t accidentally see the results before you’re ready.  

So what are you waiting on?! Click here to order your at home test and get $10 off!!


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