
How do you pray? Do you have a set time or set place? Do you get into a kneeling position or just as you are? Do you do more talking or more listening? Are your prayers a formal well laid out poem or more of an informal conversation?

I’ll admit sometimes life just gets so busy, lll forget to pray. I’ll rush through my current Bible study or rush through a verse of the day type thing but then at then end- put the book or phone or whatever down and rush off to my next task. Spend time in the word ✅, now I can move on. 😳😬

This morning I woke up a few minutes early, grabbed my piping hot coffee, cozied up in my normal spot to start my morning devotion, after checking IG & FB, of course 😬 BUT THEN….

Quick side note, don’t you LOVE how when God moves it is normally a BUT THEN kind of thing?!

I had this overwhelming desire to get out of my comfy spot, out from under my warm blanket, and get on my knees to pray. Not at all my normal lackadaisical informal method of prayer. So I do it.

Ok another quick side note- my neck has been hurting for 4 days. Like I slept funny or something and then I haven’t been able to really turn my head. My normal day job is certainly not without stress so my shoulders are normally up higher than my ears, so naturally that’s not helping this whole neck situation I’ve got going.

ANYWAYS- so I get out of my chair, get down on my knees, elbows in the seat of the chair, bow my head to pray and all of a sudden the tiny bones in my neck snap, crackle and pop and I feel immediate relief in my neck!! I just sit there and that constant weight and pain I’ve been dealing with for 4 days melts away. So it hits me- that’s what it should feel like when we hand out problems and our stress over to God. “HERE GOD TAKE THIS!! I can’t do this alone, I can’t do this AT ALL!!” By the grace of God alone, am I still going, taking one heavy step after the next- THANK YOU GOD that we as Christians have that help; that we as Christians have that assurance; He is going to give me more than I can handle- but it won’t be more than He can handle, and I won’t be dealing with anything alone.

Take a minute this morning. Talk to God, but possibly more importantly LISTEN for God!!


Never get old


Season of Waiting