
Do you have a favorite time to study the Bible? What about a favorite place to pray?

Have you ever noticed that right at those times or right in those places, everything seems to get chaotic and messy? All of a sudden something comes up that “can’t be ignored?”

Tell me it’s not just me!!

Often, I have the best of intentions. I’ll schedule my week, my day; I’ll layout my current devotion book; I’ll sit down ready for my time to study and/or talk to God and……

The phone rings, my seat is full of toys, the countertop is sticky, the dog starts barking, I remember I had some other super pressing thing that has to be done RIGHT THEN!!

Coincidence? Are our lives just that busy? Is my house just that messy? OR is there something bigger at play?? Does the evil-one put these stumbling blocks in our path to slow down our sanctification process?!

My very interesting and well spoken small group leader put it like this- if justification means the process of Jesus justifying us in-spite of our sinful, human selves, and sanctification is the process of us growing toward and becoming more like Jesus- then the devil can’t stop our justification, but he can slow down our sanctification process.

Move over satan- that “emergency” is just going to have to wait because I’m spending time in prayer this morning! I’m choosing to spend that time studying God’s word!! What about you- are you ready to say “Get behind me Satan” today?


Leftover Night!

