
How many of us rush- constantly? This morning was nothing unusual for me- wake up early, rush to get dressed & ready for the day, rush to get the kids up and dressed, briefly talk to my husband and we’re walking down the stairs, rush the kids to eat breakfast as I gulp down my protein shake, rush to daycare, so I can rush to work- only to remember I left my phone at home so I rush to get back home, get my phone, fly into my parking space at work on 2 wheels, so by the time I sit down at my desk I’m literally winded. Ok, no time to slow down now- catch your breath and keep on rushing. Rush, rush, rush.

Not that long ago, during the COVID lockdown, I remember talking to my husband and promising myself that once things opened back up, we weren’t going to overload our plates again. We were going to slow down, enjoy life, be present in the moments, soak up every ounce of our kids’ childhood. YET- here I am again, out of breath and it’s barely even 8AM.

During my morning rush, I caught the tail end of a mini sermon on 106.9 The Light in the car. The woman’s point was that “when the devil can’t get you to sin, he will try to make you so busy that you can’t be effective in what God is calling you to do”

WHOA! First of all- I have no problem finding plenty of sin BUT what a concept. The devil is behind my busyness. I get so busy I’m no longer being effective in what God is calling me to do. As I’m catching my breath at my desk I’m going over all my busy days in my head-

Too busy to spend time in prayer

Too busy to spend time in my Bible

Too busy to actively search for and follow God’s purpose for my life

Too busy to talk to my kids about Jesus

Too busy to help those needing help

Too busy to think before I open my mouth- cuss words, taking the Lords name in vain, gossip, this list is going to get scary real fast


So how do I stop it? How do we as a society stop it? I really don’t have the answer here- this isn’t a trick question. Just something to contemplate- how do we slow down? Slow down to recognize & enjoy all of God’s blessings? Slow down to allow God to lead, guide, and direct our lives? Slow down and notice others that may need help? SLOW DOWN


Servant Mindset


Life is Hard