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Today was a. day. Not a bad day, just a crazy, busy day. You know the kind-

I had a 4 page long to do list, a meeting at 8 and a meeting at 10:15; well my 10:15 showed up at 8:45 and my 8am showed up at 11:30- all on a day I was supposed to be getting off at 12 🤦‍♀️ Not saying any of this to complain- this is just the way life goes sometimes right?

When my day went crazy and didn’t slow down until well after the kids had gone to sleep- it hit me like a train, when I thought “well crap, now I’m behind on my blogging and reading too!” BUT WAIT

Let’s backup a few hours- I had woken up an hour too early because all of a sudden I couldn’t stop coughing so I went ahead and got up and got started on my Bible reading and blogging for the day. So in reality I wasn’t behind on my Bible reading at all. Suddenly it was like a light bulb came on in my head- my schedule, my do to list, my plan that’s not what matters. God already knew my meetings would get all kinds of screwed up; He knew my to do list would keep growing; He knows it all, and my only job is to trust Him and turn it all over to Him- my schedule, my plans, my everything because ultimately it’s not MINE at all.

So deep breath and let it go.