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Be Tight With A Man That Is

Most of the time, I listen to Christian music- 94.1, 106.9, loving me some Mandisa and Zach Williams! But sometimes I change things up a bit- today was one of those days. I’m scrolling through the stations in the car and hear this song about a bourbon street steak at Applebee’s. In high school I worked at Applebee’s, and I will admit- I still enjoy some Applebee’s food. Anyway- so this song catches my attention and I turn it up- it’s great! Super catchy! Naturally I looked up what is this song, who sings it, and start listening to some of his other songs. Ok whatever- nothing super interesting, right? But then I hear another song by the same guy- Craig. You know when you hear a song and it almost gut punches you? This was that song- whoa, hit me over the head, gut punch, WOW!

Click to download and listen to this powerful song by Walker Hayes!

What a life goal! Right there, just plain as day in a country song!

he can't walk on water, or turn the Napa Valley red

But he just might be tight with a man that did

Now he's not the light of the world

But I wish that mine was bright as his

Yeah he just might be tight with a man that is

Isn’t that what we as Christians should all be striving to be?! Such a light, such an example, truly being the hands and feet of Jesus, to such a degree that others can look at us and say- ya know what, that person is different; they act so differently in fact that they must be close friends or even relatives of Jesus.

Thank you Walker Hayes for bringing that little reminder of what our life goal should be to the country stations! It is super refreshing to hear a country song that’s not about dogs, tractors, beer, and losing a girl!

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