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Week 52

Nahum 1-3, Habakkuk 1-3, Zephaniah 1-3, Haggai 1-2, Zechariah 1-14, and Malachi 1-4

WE MADE IT!! 🎉 We are in the home stretch of achieving our goal of reading the Bible, cover to cover. Yes we did it at the 10,000 foot viewpoint but I feel like I’ve learned a lot & connected lots of dots along the way. This has also made me more hungry for more- there are so many passages I want to revisit and dive deeper into!! I would love to do another Bible journey with you so let me know your thoughts- did you have a passage that really spoke to you? What would you like to investigate next?

For now, let’s finish strong!! Again, we’re reading about the prophets and prophecies. Even though this is not a history lesson the same way 1&2 Kings or 1&2 Chronicles were- I still feel like the history we learned back in the early part of the Old Testament needs to play a part in these passages. It seems like these passages are some of the more popular ones to take out of context when current day people start trying to predict the end. But really, isn’t God talking about the fall of Jerusalem, Israel, and Judah? Isn’t He forewarning the Israelites of the fall of Babylon and their return to rebuild Jerusalem?

In Nahum, we learn that Nineveh is going to fall. Then in Habakkuk, I love the way this chapter is laid out; we are seeing a conversation between Habakkuk and God- Habakkuk complains, God answers, so Habakkuk continues to complain, God answers again, so Habakkuk prays. I also love how a few different times here we are seeing God described as jealous. That’s not really a word I often associate with God- but really, He is!! He loves us so much that He is jealous for us- He wants our attention on Him. He doesn’t need us; He is all powerful and we are lowly, little nothings, deserving of nothing- AND YET- He loves us and wants our attention to be on Him, to the point of being jealous. I don’t know about you, but that is kind boggling, amazing.

What did you think of these passages? New takeaways? What did you think of this overall goal and study? Did you learn more about your “where”? WHERE is God pointing you?! Maybe you’re already in your “where” or maybe you were in your “where” and now God has assigned you a new “where”! Whatever your journey is- I hope you take comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone; we as an online community are growing in the word together but more importantly, MOST importantly- God will never leave you, not on this journey, not on future journeys, He will always be by your side!! ❤️