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Week 50

Revelation 19-22, Hosea 1-14, and Joel 1-3

Let’s just go ahead and start out by being honest- the book of Revelation always stresses me out a little bit. I don’t really understand all the metaphors and the meanings behind all the weird things going on in John’s visions. And quite frankly it makes my stomach feel a little funny just because I start stressing about the end of world- when is it, will I be out somewhere, what if my kids aren’t with me, will they be scared, will we be comforted as Christians, the list of thoughts and questions could go on for days. So before I start spiraling- WHOA- let’s just get back up to the 10,000 foot level and remember that as long as we know Jesus Christ as our lord and savior, we’re going to be ok. There’s not a checklist somewhere tracking if you went to church enough or if you were “good” enough- because quite frankly you didn’t and you aren’t. No one is “good enough” and that’s why we need the saving grace of our Heavenly Father and the forgiveness granted by the blood of Jesus Christ. Ok so now that we’ve covered the “biggies” hopefully my (and your) anxiety levels can handle diving into the book of Revelation.

So my takeaways here, really are more questions that I would like to explore further rather than actual takeaways- we said last week, I’m curious if this is more of a parable situation or a vision of an actual event? Like when the pharaoh has a dream about 7 stalks of wheat and the dream was actually foretelling the time of plenty and the upcoming famine. Are these 7 bowls with 7 plaques actual plaques or metaphorical plaques?

Again so many layers to peel back and dive into- maybe hold off for a future study?? For now- let’s keep on finishing our goal: the WHOLE Bible, cover to cover. Stortz now directs us back to the prophets in the Old Testament in Hosea and Joel. Ready for some more dejavue - not to make any less of any book of the Bible, but it seems to me kinda more of the same and the Israelites just still aren’t getting it. God is continually warning them. He’s telling them point blank what’s going to happen to them- yet they aren’t repenting; they are still worshiping other Gods and not listening.