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Week 49

Daniel 7-12 and Revelation 1-18

Before we even get into the content- it is funny to me that we are 3-4 weeks away from being done-ish with this goal yet we are reading the final chapter this week! We don’t yet know what the chapters of the next few weeks will hold, but by then we’re done with Revelation- I traditionally think of nothing after Revelation but maybe, just maybe this is a good reminder for me that even in real life Revelation is not the true end; in someways it’s just the beginning for us as Christians.

First of all, back in Daniel, how cool is it that interpreting dreams is what God used to elevate Daniel to a place of authority within a foreign land, very similar to Joseph’s account back in Egypt after his brothers sold him into slavery.

My other takeaway here is the similarities between the visions in Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation. These accounts are completely different people, living many years apart, towns and nations apart yet it seems like at least the beasts in Ezekiel and the beasts in Revelation are very similar if not the same. The beasts in Daniel seem a different yet still with some similarities there.

So as I’m contemplating, feeling a little confused and overwhelmed by this content, I’m thinking is this like the parables- we have ears to hear but do not understand, we eyes to see but do not see? But then it strikes me- maybe it’s not meant for me to understand. If I’m still on this Earth when Jesus returns, maybe it will make more sense then but ultimately I know Jesus Christ as my savior so maybe this is one of those things I need to just roll with rather than trying to interpret and understand. Didn’t Jesus say even the angels don’t know, so who am I to even attempt to figure it out?

What were your thoughts and takeaways here? Getting excited about now only having 3 weeks left? Feeling accomplished? Because I am!! Or are you just excited to then start a new study and see WHERE our next study leads is- BECAUSE I AM 😆