Week 48

Ezekiel 40-48, 1 John 1-5, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and Daniel 1-6

We’re a little all over the place here, right?

Finishing up Ezekiel we learn about Ezekiel’s vision for a new temple. Again, I love the detail and intricate detail this goes into- the measurements of every wall, every nook & cranny. Just like we talked about way back when we were reading about the instructions Moses received from God for the initial temple- it’s is such a good reminder to me that God is never too big for the tiny details; that God cares about every single “little” piece of His plan, and amazingly, that plan includes you and me!!

So then we quickly go through 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude- where again we are hearing LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

THEN, then we get to Daniel. Quiet frankly, I was getting a little worried- we are almost done with this goal of reading the Bible cover to cover and up till this week we hadn’t covered what I feel like are 2 of the most famous Bible stories. The men that dance in the fire, unharmed, and Daniel in the lion’s den. What I find so amazing and even heartwarming, is how we see a tiny snapshot here of God’s plan working out and the pieces fitting together. We just did a quick summary last week so just bare with me here- at this point the Israelites were exiled from the promised land because of their disobedience and sin. The Babylons defeat Jerusalem and the Israelites because that’s what God called them to do. So at this point the majority of the Israelites are in captivity in Babylon, under Nebuchadnezzar. Just like with Esther, God out Daniel in the right place at the right times for Daniel to rise among the ranks of the Babylonians. Likewise, God allows the astrologers to notice that Shadrqch, Meshach, and Abednego aren’t worshipping Nebuchadnezzar’s gold image. Wouldn’t it have been MUCH easier to just keep the astrologers from noticing?! BUT then- Shadrqch, Meshach, and Abednego wouldn’t have gotten thrown in the fiery furnace and wouldn’t have been able to show the amazing power of God to the rest of that Babylonian assembly. Similarly, God allowed the administrators and satraps under King Darius to have just liked Daniel and didn’t cause their hearts to be out to get Daniel, the whole lion’s den situation could’ve just been avoided- BUT then, those Babylonians wouldn’t have again gotten to witness the amazing power and protection of God. How often does that happen in our lives? Hopefully not literally getting thrown in a furnace or a lion’s den- but how often do we pray and maybe even beg God to just avoid the hardships completely? Please God just keep me away from those evil, conniving people- they’re just out to get me? God protect me from this uncomfortable situation? God why did you let that bad thing happen to me or to my loved one? I know those thoughts have crept into my prayer life before. So what if we looked at those uncomfortable situations differently- is this my “lion’s den?” Is God allowing this so that my discomfort, my scary situation, can bring glory to Him? Am I walking unscathed from a fire so that those around me can see the amazing protection of God?

What were your takeaways? New perspectives??


Week 49


Week 47