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Week 47

Ezekiel 19-39

So again we are seeing Ezekiel prophesying about the ultimate fall of Jerusalem but also the rebuilding of Israel, as one nation under one King. I guess my takeaway here is that I’m curious- what about this are the Israelites not getting? Are they not listening to these prophecies? Are there that many false prophets, that they can’t figure out which one to listen to and which to ignore? Do they just not believe Ezekiel or not care? Or do they not understand- are they hearing him and not realizing what kind of idols and stumbling blocks they’ve created in their hearts?? I’m taking this as a literal incense and wooden or stone idols- but are we talking more abstract?? and that’s why they aren’t turning from their ways- because they don’t get it? I don’t know- I do not have the answer here, it’s not a trick question; just food for thought, as we go through this passage.

We also see in this passage that Ezekiel’s wife dies and God commands him to not really mourn his wife in the traditional way because he is to be an example to the Israelites of how they shouldn’t mourn the upcoming loss of their sanctuary and stronghold. What a testimony to the kind of faith and love Ezekiel has in God- to simply obey. He didn’t push back; he didn’t argue; he just obeyed and didn’t mourn the loss of his wife. Talk about spiritual life goals.

Lastly, I’m curious- in chapter 37, the valley do dry bones- did this actually happen or was this a vision Ezekiel has? And then what happened to the now alive, previously dry bones? Are these people raised from the dead, like people with a past, with families, or are they starting over as new people? I guess ultimately it doesn’t really matter. All that actually matters is knowing that we serve a God with that kind of unmatched, boundless power and limitless authority. He can speak to a valley of dry bones and make them live again- for His glory and for His purpose. The logistics and details ultimately don’t matter.

What were your takeaways here?