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Week 45

Psalms 116-142

Without a doubt, this was my favorite passage of Psalms so far. Again, this is one of those places I want to revisit in the future because I have so many questions but they are all questions that “are in the weeds” and not within that 10,000 foot level that we are at right now.

I felt like those were some of the more famous verses, the verses we see on nick-knacks and wall hangings. Raising up arrows; formed you in your mother’s womb; the Lord builds the house, etc. and I get why- of the psalms that we’ve previously read, these are happier. It’s not David on the run from Saul. In fact researching who wrote these would be at the top of my list of in depth research questions once we are able to actually get into the weeds of this section. But these pretty much all seemed to be praises for God. I’m curious when these were written- were these from the “good times” of David or Solomon or was this after the fall of Jerusalem? Which makes me wonder- if this was during or after the fall of Jerusalem, how different would the chain of events have been if the Israelites would have had more of these praises before the fall?! I also found it neat that we are seeing some things repeated- the idols that have ears but cannot hear and eyes but cannot see; isn’t this similar to what we read back in Jeremiah 10? So in the very next line where it says- likewise will be those who made you! Is this a direct reference over to the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 when Jesus responds to the Disciples that he’s speaking in parables because some people will hear, yet not understand unless they’ve been given the “knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven” ?

What about you? Did you have a favorite verse here? What were your takeaways?