Week 40

Isaiah 31-51

We’ve talked before how I love it when things overlap and I start to see things fit together- so of course I’m loving how in Isaiah 36-39 we are seeing a repeat of 2 Kings 28, just from a slightly different angle.

Overall the message I’m getting is rely on God and only on God; don’t rely on Egypt or other gods. Woe to those who don’t obey and/ or solely rely on the one and only God, but for those that do- they will be redeemed, having joy and comfort like never before.

But then- so we see that God is continually trying to reach His people, trying to show them, trying to warn them, and yet they just can’t get it right. This is one of those “but God” moments. He tries and tries and tries again. They screw it up, time and time and time again. It seems helpless, BUT GOD. God steps in and via Isaiah, He says- let’s try this a different way. “I’m going to send you a helper, The Servant of the Lord; He will intercede on your messy behalf. He will not only restore the tribes of Jacob but will also be a light for the Gentiles.” So of course we know who God is talking about here- we are starting to get an introduction to not only Jesus but also to the purpose of Jesus. He is part of God’s plan; He is the perfect sacrifice that God had to send to save us- BUT HOLD ON- back up one line “that God HAD to send” Sorry, I just totally made myself laugh; that was a lightbulb moment for me- God didn’t HAVE to do anything. In Isaiah 44 & 45, He just got done telling us that He is the first and the last, He made the Earth, He marshaled the stars- HE DID IT ALL, it’s all His to do with as He pleases so He doesn’t HAVE to do anything. And yet- He does, He chose to send His son to die for us because He knows that we are such a mess we can’t save ourselves. How amazingly wonderful is that?!

Ok so now that we went down that little rabbit hole- what takeaways did you have here? Did you enjoy reading the prophecies and account of Isaiah? Or are you more of a history fan and already missing some of the previous Old Testament books?


Week 41


Week 39