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Week 37

Hebrews 1-13 and Ecclesiastes 1-9

I have to be honest- I struggled a little with the Hebrews passages. Basically Jesus is above all angels and the other prophets & special people like Moses that were sent before Him because He is God’s son- sent to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins, thereby saving us and allowing us into the “inner sanctuary” with God.

So then we get to Ecclesiastes. Does anyone else think David needs a Zoloft? Everything is meaningless? We all end up in the same place? I mean- how much more “woe is me” can one get?

But one thing I really liked here was in Ecclesiastes 9:7-10 Where he basically says- enjoy it! Enjoy life, enjoy your family, enjoy the food, the wine, that fancy outing, the lazy day relaxing at home- ENJOY IT because it’s kinda about the journey. Yes as Christians, it’s our duty and purpose to live for God, to bring glory to God in all we do, BUT it does sometimes feel like as Christians we forget about the joy of now. Being present. “For God so LOVED the world” He loved the world; He gave you this life in this world, enjoy it. What message are we sending the world if all we do is complain? What are people seeing in us if we are constantly beaten down and downtrodden? So let’s agree to hold each other accountable to taking a step back and enjoying the many blessings God has bestowed upon us.

What about you? What were your takeaways here?