Week 34

Psalms 73-97

Again we find ourselves in Psalms for this week’s passage. So first off- is it just me or did you feel like we are jumping all over here? Starting out with Psalms of Asaph, then jumping to the Sons of Korah, David, then back to Moses! I guess really though what stuck out the most was how at least with the first few Psalms of this section, it was written to God but on the behalf of the whole group of people. Now I’ll admit I’m not exactly sure who Asaph is, so I’ll be looking back in my notes and researching that momentarily. (Side note, I’m also curious about the “Selah.“ Is this similar to “amen” like in church when someone is really feeling the sermon and shouts out “amen preacher!”? Stayed tuned, we’ll figure this one out together too.) Back to the point, Asaph is talking to God on behalf of his whole tribe; sure he does also talk just in the regular 1st person for himself but for some reason it just struck me how he’s speaking on behalf of his people. “WE give thanks” “why have you rejected US?” and it just makes me wonder- do I pray for US? Sure I pray for my kids and my family and sometimes even my co workers, but what about the bigger us? I have to admit, I don’t often pray for our nation, our world, or even our town- what kind of changes could we make if we started praying more about others- even the “others” that we don’t know and have no say over their actions? We serve a limitless God so there’s no question that He would be able to reach the hearts of even those we don’t know. So that’s my takeaway here- effective immediately, I’m adding the bigger, wider “us” and “we” to my prayers.

What about you- what grabbed your attention within the Psalms?


Week 35


Week 33