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Week 33

Job 13-42

Job, oh Job Job Job 🤦‍♀️

Ok so if I’m understanding this correctly- Job is a Godly man. He is well-off, has a full happy family, and trusts in God. So then one day Satan asks God about testing Job- long story short they take everything away from Job to see what would happen. His crops and livelihood are taken over or destroyed and his kids die in a tragic situation. Job is then inflicted with bad health and a bad situation gets worse. Once Job is at his breaking point, his friends come to check on him and they end up in an argument. Basically his friends are saying this is happening because you’ve sinned against God and Job is arguing with them that basically he is perfect and cant understand why God would dare to punish him. He goes so far as to say he would like the chance to present his case to God and see why God is doing this to him. So eventually God has had enough and basically responds with “WHOA! Who do you think you are?!”

On one hand I’m really thinking “ugh this guy” but on the other hand 🤔 am I really all that different? “God why am I having to deal with this (albeit minor) inconvenience?” “I don’t DESERVE this!” Ummmm really- right! I don’t DESERVE the never ending grace God continues to grant me!