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Week 23

2 Samuel 16-24, Galatians 1-6, and 1 Kings 1-6

I’m starting to feel like every single week I walk away going “whoa! That was so much content!” So again this week, I’m left thinking “WHOA!” So much!”

So we finish up our journey with King David, get to know Solomon better, and read another letter from Paul- this time to the churches in Galatia. Maybe I’m a dunce, but I’m not seeing any major correlation here between these 3 passages. Are you seeing something that I’m completely missing?

The thing that really left me thinking was Paul’s list of sinful nature vs fruit of the spirit. Again- this is a passage that deserves its own study, but for now we are staying at the 10,000 foot level so that we can read the whole Bible as one cohesive book. How many of those items on the sinful nature list make me blush rather than make me feel appalled?

Sure, it’s easy to say- I’m not a drunkard! Sure I’ll drink alcohol but I know my limits and it’s not a everyday thing! and I definitely don’t have orgies!

BUT what about-

Hatred & discord? What about that co worker that always steals your ideas & kisses up to the boss, or maybe the boss that talks down to you, treats you poorly, doesn’t value how hard you work; do those feelings borderline a little too closely with hate?

Jealousy & envy? Did your neighbor get a new fancy car? The people on Facebook always posting extravagant vacations? The woman that got pregnant after you had been trying for months or even years?

Fits of rage? Traffic? Parking lots? Your kids got out of bed 987 times last night? Maybe you keep it behind closed doors but shutting the car door to scream out in anger- are you really alone or does Jesus still see that little temper tantrum.

Selfish ambition? Need I even say more here??

I AM NOT POINTING THE FINGER AT ANYONE BUT MYSELF HERE! Please don’t feel like I’m fussing or calling anyone out! I’m sincerely doing some painful self reflection, and not liking what I’m seeing. 😬

Conversely how many of the traits on the fruit list make me feel completely insufficient because I’m not those things. Sure I TRY to be patient & kind, displaying gentleness and self control- but it’s not really about me TRYING. My heart, my soul should be so aligned with Jesus that this fruit blossoms naturally- like fruit on a vine, the tree doesn’t force the fruit to grow, it just does when the proper nutrients are there.

I’m ending this week thankful for a Heavenly Father that forgives, gives 2nd (or millionth) chances, and loves unconditionally- because honestly, I’m a mess but He knew that and died for me in spite of that. How are you doing? Which list do you find you self spending more time on? Did you walk away blameless? Or finish this passage with some new takeaways?