Week 2

Genesis 22-42

Here am I

How many times does Abraham say these very words? After everything he has been through, he still responds “Here am I”

So it just makes me wonder- what would my response be? In any of these situations- if the voice of God commands me to do something or go somewhere- am I the one saying “Here am I” or am I the one cowering in the corner saying “who me? You’re not talking to me! No no, surely not me, God; there’s someone better out there! No no, not me, remember you sent me here! This, this is my where!! And now you’re telling me to do something else. No, no no no- remember you promised me this baby?! Remember you promised my nation would be more numerous than the sand? That person knows the Bible better than me! Pick them, make them do it!”

God has blessed me and my family- we have each other, we have a comfortable home, we are healthy, and yet I am the one making excuses?! Abraham was just asked to sacrifice his only son with the wife he loves and his response is “Here am I” wow. LIFE GOALS.

So other things that stuck out to me-

  1. It’s fascinating to me how many times this family has to travel to Egypt due to famines!

  2. Every time they travel somewhere they lie about their wives being their sister. And every time the pharaoh figures it out, gives them wealth, and makes them leave- presumably once the famine is over?

  3. I love a good love story- so the story of Isaac & Rebecca, really makes me happy. She is THE girl, the girl his father wanted for him, the girl the servant is led straight to, she willingly goes, her family lets her, then she stumbles upon Isaac that night at the camp and they are already smitten with each other- I mean, that sounds like the perfect rom-com to me, where is Disney with this project?!

  4. But then this woman, Rebecca, that I’m really liking goes and picks a favorite kid and tricks her husband into blessing her favorite? I am so thankful for a God that uses imperfect people to teach us His word. How intimidating would it be if all of the Bible role models were more like Abraham? “Here am I” ready to trust and obey without question. I don’t know about you, but as much as I want to be more like Abraham, I find that maybe I’m a little more like Rebekah- sometimes doing the wrong thing, making the wrong decisions, and overall falling short of the unconditional love of our Heavenly Father.

The majority of my notes from this passage are actually a repeat of the lineage we saw back in Week 1; sorry for showing the same graphic 2 weeks in a row, but isn’t that kind-of what we’re doing here- linking different passages together to see how the whole Bible fits together?


Genesis 36:20-43

Genesis 36:20-43

Again this passage covers SO MUCH!! What stuck out to you? Did you get new take always this week?


Post-Week 2 CATCH UP


Week 1