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Week 19

Judges 17-21, Ruth 1-4, and 1 Corinthians 1-9

Could it be that Stortz is actually kind-of matching up these passages intentionally? It’s interesting to me to look at the vast difference between the way people are treating each other in Judges vs the way Ruth cares for her mother-in-law vs the rift apparently within the Corinthian church. In Judges, the tribes are still working to settle into their inheritance within the Promised Land so there’s lots of fighting- granted sometimes the tribes become allies and help each other in the battles. Then we have Ruth- there’s no reason for her to be so loyal to her mother-in-law, but she is. She moves to a foreign land as the foreigner; she goes out and risks her life to glean in the fields, knowing that she is below the servants. She never forgets or abandoned her mother-in-law, in the hard times or after her fortune turns around and she’s married Boaz. Then we get to Corinth- Paul is writing this letter basically saying “come on people!! Why can you not get along?!”

They have already learned of Jesus and have become believers so now they are finding all these “new” things to argue about. I mean, it’s not like stuff like that ever happens in our churches today! 😉😂

“I want gospel music!”

“I don’t think we should have drums in the sanctuary”

“His hair is too long”

“You can’t wear jeans”

“Did you see that person? They had tattoos!”

Argue, argue, argue. And over what?! Small trivial stuff that doesn’t matter?

Paul is reprimanding the Corinthians, saying you are all fools, none of you are wise. Just follow the commands of the Lord and serve the Lord together. Those of you actually breaking the commands of the Lord- sleeping with your fathers wife- get out, you’re bringing everyone down with you! Don’t sue each other- you’re making us look bad to the unbelievers; be a good example of Christ’s love; just love each other!!

How is this week going for you? Is this passage making you recognize the need to treat other believers differently? Or maybe just a good reminder that we’re all in this world together, striving to serve God?