Week 12

John 16-21 and Deuteronomy 1-15

Stortz’s reading plan takes us back to the Old Testament to get into Deuteronomy. Here we see Moses about to die so he’s telling the Israelites everything that has happened over the past 40 years, reminding them of the miracles and of God’s commands. He’s basically presenting them with the promised land but also warning them that they can’t get too comfortable; they still need to remember that God is the one that granted them safe access to this.

On one hand, I’m getting a little bored with this passage- didn’t we already read all of this? BUT THEN immediately after having that thought I have to stop & really take a good long hard look at myself. BORED? God is performing miracles right and left. He led these people out of slavery. He is giving them a land that flows with milk and honey. He is proving His power. He is proving that He will provide for His people. These people have proven time and time again that the first time things get difficult or uncomfortable, they immediately start questioning and complaining. So after 40 years you don’t think they NEED reminders? They need lots of reminders!!

And really- am I any different? I got to kiss my two precious babies and tuck them safely into their comfy beds tonight. I was able to feed them 3 meals (and countless snacks) just today alone- no one here is going to bed hungry. I have everything I NEED, maybe sometimes uncomfortable things happen and some of the things I want we don’t get- but my NEEDS? I have those plus some. But whoa the moment a stomach bug hits daycare, I’m immediately whining- “God please keep my kids safe and healthy! UGH why me?! I have a really busy week at work this week, I can’t get a call from daycare saying my kid is sick! Co pays are so expensive!! REALLY?!” Complain, complain, complain- topped off with some whining and a pity party just for fun 😉

So back to the reading- yes I admit, I got a little bored with this version of a “previously on….” but really- I am just as “forgetful” as those Israelites and probably even more so.

What about you? Did something jump out at you in this passage? Or maybe you’re like me, all of a sudden praying:

“God, thank you for the blessings you have given me. Thank you for always providing for my family and me! Forgive me when I take those blessing for granted.”


Week 13


Post- Week 11 Catch Up