Study Introduction

If you walk into the nearest Bible book store or search online for a new Bible, how many versions are out there?!

How can there be so many different ways to share and present basically the same information?

And with so many versions and copies out there, why are there so many people in OUR world (like the people sitting next to you, not even necessarily the people across the country or in different parts of the world but our friends and acquaintances right here!) that haven’t read it? The world’s literacy rate is extremely high, and the highest it’s ever been, I would imagine. So if we can all read, and we all do read (books by the beach, magazines in waiting rooms, countless emails, coupon fine print, constant social media posts) so why then are we not reading THE BOOK, God’s word, our instructions for all parts of our life!

For our 1st (of many, hopefully) study, I’ve chosen an oldie but goodie. Diane Stortz’s A Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible. I’ve had this book a long time and I’ve read through it before but it’s a great place for us to start this journey of reading to get a better understanding of the Bible, as a whole thing, not just a passage here and there. Now keep in mind- like I said in the About Me section- I am a Christian and I grew up in a Christian home but I went to school for accounting and business. I am not a trained theologian; I am in NO way shape or form an expert and have never claimed to be. I am just a person wanting to gain a better understanding of The Bible and am inviting you to read along and explore with me!

So before we actually dive into it, let’s get started by looking at Storz’s background explanation of the Bible. Because I am a dork, I find it fascinating!!


66 books, compiled

40 writers

Took more than 1500 years to write

Been around 2500 years and we still have access to read it?!

I love love love the way Storz depicts the whole Bible as a bookshelf, rather than a single cohesive book and how she has the different books of the Bible in the different labeled sections. For me it makes the long list of 66 books feel so nice, neat, and organized (did I mention I’m a very Type A kind of person- nice neat labeled 🙌)

Regardless of what version you prefer, or how many times you’ve read the Bible, or what your background is, I am so excited to be on this journey of understanding with you! Personally, I will be using the NIV- this Bible was actually a high school graduation gift from the church I grew up in but I love the size of it. It fits my hand perfectly so I am nice and comfy getting my day started each morning, with an extra large cup of coffee in one hand and this version of the Bible in the other.

I’ll be posting here weekly, following Storz’s reading plan. Be sure to sign up for the weekly email reminder so we can stay in touch! I promise to not abuse your email address and only use it to keep our reading schedules synced.


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Week 1